Sunday, November 11, 2007

Handsome Police Dogs

Mom and I got to do another child-dog safety demo the other day for a group of Girl Scouts. As always, we had a great time, showing the girls our “tricks”, playing with the life-sized puppets (I love that game with the little boy doll named “Jimmy”)and getting lots of attention and affection from all of the little girls – single file, of course, and each asking her turn. Afterwards, Mom was talking for a while with one of the ladies, and I got to play fetch with the younger girls. They found some suitable sticks and kept throwing them for me to catch in the air. I love kids! They never seem to tire of throwing things for me. Unfortunately, Mom eventually insisted that we had to leave to go back to work, even though the girls clearly had plenty of time left and really wanted to keep throwing sticks for me. Work work work… what a party pooper Mom can be sometimes… Although, I do love work – I’ll work for work any time, actually… At any rate…

As we were arriving for the demo, on the way through the parking lot, we met up with a group of police officers. Apparently, they had done some kind of demo before we arrived, showing the girls what police dogs do for work. As we parked, I noticed a big, beautiful German Shepherd Dog, and Mom went up to talk to his human. From what I could hear (dog hearing is pretty good, you know) the big dog was called Will. Mom seemed to enjoy chatting with the nice police officer, but I really wanted to meet that Will. He was big and very handsome with a super nice personality. He seemed very friendly with Mom, but she wouldn’t let me meet him. He did bark at me from the police car as we walked by, but we didn’t get to stop.

There sure is something extra nice about a real working dog. He seemed so confident, and I could definitely appreciate the work ethic. I enjoy the work that I get to do a lot, but I often wonder what other types of jobs might be out there for a dog such as me. I’m not sure that I’d be cut out for police work, but I sure wouldn’t mind meeting a nice, handsome police dog like Will some time. I’ll be he’d be fun to romp with.

Monday, November 5, 2007

My brothers

Haven’t written in a while, since mom’s been traveling a bit, and I haven’t had the chance to come inside to write much. It seems every time I start up, someone comes by or I end up having to go to a class with her or something.

I’ve had this blog for a couple of months now, and I’ve written about all the other boys that I meet out and about, but haven’t mentioned much about my two brothers, so I thought I could do that now.

I have the (usually) good fortune to live with two dog brothers, and a brother and sister kitty. The cats are OK – Laika, the girl, and I pretty much ignore each other. KittyHawk is a great buddy, though we don’t play any more since Buzz came into the picture. KittyHawk and I played a lot when he first arrived, but when Buzz came along, both of us decided that he was more fun to play with than each other…

Buzz definitely understands play! He’s a border collie/husky mix, according to Mom, and we met when he was just a pup, at a rescue place in SoCal. It was quite a long drive down there, as I recall. We arrived in the desert with Uncle P, and then went to a big enclosed area where we met several other border collies. Buzz was among them, and I loved him right away! It looked at first like Mom was going to pick a different dog, but I liked Buzz so much that Uncle P convinced Mom to bring him home instead. I’m SO glad she did! Buzz is the very best dog brother I could ask for! He’s always ready to play with me, and does pretty much whatever I ask – whether it’s engaging in a game of chase or wrestling, or dropping a bone that I’d rather be chewing on.

About three years ago, Flash came into the picture. He’s a Pyrenean Shepherd, and one of the biggest pains in the neck you could imagine! According to Mom, he’s lucky he’s “cute”, though I don’t agree with this assessment. He likes to bark at me and Buzz, bite at our feet when we’re running and playing, and sometimes tries to guard Mom from me, though she’s been good about getting up and walking away when this happens, so it’s not happening as much any more. We do play and run occasionally, but I prefer to play with Buzz.

Oh, I nearly forgot about the bunnies, Ace and Amelia... I love bunnies! Too bad Mom won’t let me play with them. Though I did get to herd Ace for her once, when he got out where he wasn’t supposed to be. Ace does sometimes come up to the gate and touch noses with me. He smells good!